Student Support Services
Grade Level Advisors
The Grade Level Advisors are similar to counselors. They serve in many different roles to help students with academic, social, or personal problems/ issues. Students/parents are welcome to visit them without an appointment before school, during snack, during lunch, and after school. If an issue is important or immediate, schedule an appointment through Ilka Sabha, Guidance Secretary, located by the College/Career Center/main office area.
7th grade - Mrs. Shirley Wold | 8th grade - Mrs. Shirley Wold |
9th grade - Mr. Gary Mc Hatton | 10th grade - Mr. Gary McHatton |
11th grade - Mrs. Debra Logan | 12th grade - Mrs. Debra Logan |
College / Career Center
Open daily from 7:30 am - 4:00, snack break and lunch
The College Career Center is a resource center open to all students to help them learn about colleges, financial aid, scholarships, job opportunities, careers, etc. College/Career Specialist, Mary Pinedo, coordinates with college admissions representatives, alumni, and others to schedule college nights, college presentations (during the school day and in the evenings), etc.. Computers with personal interest inventories, college searches, personal portfolios, etc. are available for student use as well. Students and parents are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the information and assistance offered.
The library is operated by Griselda Hidalgo (x22313) and offers a wide selection of books. It is located in the B building. Hours are from 7:30am - 4:00, and The library offers a wide variety of books, magazines, newspapers for students to read. Students are required to have their student ID cards to checkout books. Computer laptops are available for students to checkout for the day with a student ID. Textbooks are also stored and checked out through the library. A small copy machine is available for students to make copies - 10 cents per copy. The Cerritos Library's Databses are now available online through Academic Resources.
Bus Transportation
A district bus picks up students in the morning and in the afternoon for free. Bus schedules are available in the main office. For questions or concerns about the bus, please speak to Ilka Sabha, Secretary in the Office (x22309). The District Office Transportation Department can be reached at (562) 926-5566 x22400.
Food Services
ABC Unified's Nutrition Services operates on campus out of "the Hutch" in the back of the B building, which consists of speed lines. A community dining area is not available so students eat at the picnic tables around campus, or in the hallways, or multi-purpose room in inclement weather.
The Hutch serves a variety of foods including pizzas, chicken, hamburgers, and breakfast items. Students can purchase food before school, during snack, and during lunch. Two carts that serve food are also available outside the Hutch to help the lines move more quickly.