Academic Awards and Information

Underclassmen Awards Assembly

An annual assembly for grades 7 - 11 that takes place each June. Awards presented include: The Presidential Awards for Academic Excellence; Gold and Silver Seal Awards for academic achievement and improvement; and Wildcat Certificates for exceptional performance.

Senior Awards Ceremony

An annual evening awards ceremony exclusively to recognize seniors and their accomplishments takes place each June.

Recognition at Graduation

Highest Honors unweighted GPA of 3.80 - 4.00
High Honors unweighted GPA of 3.50 - 3.79
Honors unweighted GPA of 3.00 - 3.49


All seniors with an unweighted grade point average of 4.0 at the end of seventh semester (1st semester, senior year) earn this honor. They wear gold caps and gowns in the graduation ceremony, lead the class in the prcoessional, sit in the front row of graduates, present a brief group speech, and receive their diplomas first (in alphabetical order).


Seniors with an unweighted grade point average of 3.98 at the end of their seventh semester (1st semester, senior year) are honored by following the valedictorians in leading the class to stage and in receiving their diplomas with the valedictorians.

Distinguished Scholars:

Seniors with a 3.5 weighted UC grade point average for five consecutive semesters while enrolled in a minimum of four UC approved classes earn special notation on the diploma and transcript and receive a medallion during the Senior Awards ceremony to be worn at graduation.

Thespian Society:

Members are required to obtain 15 Thespian points by participating in drama club productions and activities. Members receive special cords worn at graduation and are also eligible for scholarships awarded to performers, technicians and designers who participate in state and national theatre festivals. See Mrs. Improta in room 16 for more information.

Key Club:

Seniors who have performed 200 or more hours of community service are recognized with a symbol by their names in the graduation program and with a cord to be worn in the graduation ceremony.

Honors and Honor Societies

Seniors who earn an unweighted grade point average of 3.49 or under through the seventh semester receive a Bronze Medallion in the graduation ceremony.

California Scholarship Federation (CSF):

Eligibility for membership is determined by semester grades (10th - 12th). Students must maintain satisfactory citizenship as well. Seniors who have earned membership in CSF four semesters total (including one in the senior year) receive the Lamp Pin, a gold seal on their diplomas, and gold and blue cords to wear in the graduation ceremony over the gown. For more information or to apply, see Mr. Bill Raabe in room 9. Junior Scholarship Federation (CJSF) is for grades 7-9. For more information, see Mrs. Swann in room 32.

Japanese National Honor Society:

Students must maintain a 3.5 grade point average in Japanese classes and an unweighted cumulative 3.0 grade point average. Students must also maintain satisfactory citizenship. For more information or an application, see Ms. Oyama in room 25. Seniors receive cords at the Senior Awards ceremony to be worn in graduation ceremony.

National Honor Society:

Juniors with a cumulative, unweighted 3.50 grade point average should apply for membership spring semester. Applicants must have their school and community activities certified by the adult sponsor of each activity.

Advanced Placement Scholar Awards:

The AP Program offers several awards to recognize high school students who demonstrate college-level achievement through AP courses and exams.

  • AP Scholar: score of 3 or higher on 3 or more AP exams
  • AP Scholar with Honors: score of 3 or higher on 4 or more AP exams (avg. 3.5)
  • AP Scholar with Distinction: score of 3 or higher on 5 or more exams (avg. 3.5)
  • AP State Scholar: female and male in each state w/ the highest avg. score on the greatest number of AP exams in their state
  • AP National Scholar: students who receive an average score of at least 4 on 8 or more AP exams

Governor's Achievement Awards Scholarship:

Students who score in either the top 10% of their high school or top 5% of the state in the STAR 9 testing program receive scholarships of $1000.

Governor's Distinguished Math and Science Scholars Award:

Students who receive the Governor's Award may also be eligible for this award of $2500 if they earn certain scores on AP exams and/or the Golden State Exam. For more information, visit

Grade Scale:
A 90 - 100%
B 80 - 89%
C 70 - 79%
D 65 - 69%
F 0 - 64%

Whitney allows (+) and (-) attachments to grades at teacher discretion for students who are "borderline" in a subject.

Students are required to maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.5 out of 4.0 in order to continue attending WHS. Students who are not fulfilling their academic potential are placed on academic probation and are monitored by their Grade Level Advisor. Parents are contacted and an individualized academic improvement plan is developed.

Any change in a quarter or semester grade must take place within one year of the time the grade was issued regardless of the reason. Students should follow two steps: (a) speak with teacher and request/justify the change (b) see Ileana Lima, Guidance Secretary, to inform her of impending change upon teacher's completion of grade change form. "Incompletes" (I) must be made up within the next grading period or the grade automatically becomes an F.

Students may request 2 transcripts for free. Each additional transcript costs $3.00. The cost for a request to be processed immediately is $5.00. See Ileana Lima, Guidance Secretary. Students assume financial responsibility for all transcripts ordered.

Students have until the 15th day of each semester to request a drop from a class without penalty. Students who drop the class after this deadline receive a withdraw F. If a student is misplaced (the class is too difficult or too easy), he/she may request a level change at any time during the year. The change will be made if space is available.

To meet college admission subject requirements, students must earn a grade of C or better each semester. Students who have D's or F's must repeat the class. Options are to enroll at the local community college or repeat through WHS, space is available in the class during the school year.

Grades and credit earned in a college class are transferred onto the high school transcript only if the high school and college permit, and the credit is needed to meet graduation requirements. See Grade Level Advisors for more information.